Through this page you can contact XNL Future Technologies in general, or one of it’s crew members in particular through various ways.
When contacting XNL Future Technologies or one of our crew members directly, then please make sure that you provide all information so that we can contact you if needed. Incomplete messages or request will not be processed, because we need to focus on a lot of projects we don’t have the time to puzzle through incomplete requests or information. We apologize for this and hope that you can understand this decision.
When we receive abuse via this contact form we will ban the IP permanently without any warning.
To prevent abuse of this form, your IP-Address will be sent with this email. This is only out of precaution to trap spam bots. By clicking on Send at the form below, you agree that we will send your IP Address along with your email message for security purpose. We will NEVER use your email address for any other purpose than contacting you. We will not use the information sent by you (including but not limited to your IP Address) for any commercial purposes or share them with anyone else unless you of-course ask us to (or in rare situation where we are legally obligated to share said information with the authorities).
Personal Direct Advice
If you are trying to contact us for direct (either personal or business) advice on for example (third-party) equipment purchases, ‘what multimeter to buy’, ‘what replacement capacitor to use when repairing your TV’ etc. Or any other type of advice which is similar to the above, then we would like to request you to: Simply not email us about this! This is not to be rude or ‘distant’, but because it’s just completely impossible to keep answering such questions non stop without actually progressing on any of our own projects, products and content. We also have family’s, work to do and ‘everyday life’ going on, If we would ‘play free advice/help-desk’ all day long, we would have no time left to do anything else anymore 😉
For such requests, help and information we have our forum, content pages, and there are also many other forums and sources of information on the internet which will all be much faster in getting you answers than sending us emails directly. Therefor we will (and sorry for that) not reply to such emails, we will however (try) to read all emails, comments and reactions. We hope that you can understand the decision we had to make.
Obviously you can always contact us with questions in regards to our own projects, products or content. However we do request you to put some own effort in it before you contact us, and before contacting us via email that you at-least use the other sections (the forums, content comment sections etc) before contacting us via email.
If the information you need is not out there yet (either in content, posts, the forum(s) or (PDF) documentation, and it is in regards to one of our projects, products, releases or other type of content, then you can always contact us of-course. It is however not the intention that we are going to work for you as your ‘personal Google’ 😉
Partner, Sponsor, Branding Fraud Prevention:
We will only process and accept messages in regards to Trademarks, Copyright, Advertising, Sponsoring, Partnerships etc, if they are being send with or from an official (company/brand) domain! So emails in regards of these topics will not be taken seriously if they are being sent from for example:!
If however you are really an representative of the company and you are emailing from an,,, etc we require you to send us a link (to the official company website) where your email address is actually listed on the website and mentions you as an contact person or representative.
If you can not comply as such, we unfortunately can’t process your email seriously. We have to take this precaution to prevent possible fraudulent actions with other brand names. We will also contact the company whom you (pretend to?) represent directly to request further information and/or to report possible fraudulent behavior. IF requested in a legal investigation we will also pass-on all identifiable data (like IP Address for example) you might have provided us!
Email Us
If you need to contact us via email, you can do so via this form.
However we would like to request you to make sure that you’ve read the information provided above before contacting us.