Patreon Information
My/our platform has (many) extra features and unlocks for Patreon Members of my patreon page, you can link your Patreon account to your account on our platform in the My Account section. When you have your Patreon account linked, our platform(s) will (almost) instantly update your current Patreon membership and it’s ‘unlocked features’.
Depending on your Patreon membership there are different unlocks, where of course a higher tier/pledge also means that you’ll get more (or ‘bigger’) unlocks. This is (obviously) not different from any other Patreon Creator, what actually is (very) different on our platform compared to (most) other Patreon Creators/publishers, is the way how we’ve implemented Patreon and the unlocks you’ll get with your membership/pledges.
NOTE: If you want to know more in regards to refunds and such, then please visit our Refund and Returns Policy page.Development Discussion(s) & Feature Requests (Patreon+ Only!)
Forum Group(s) & Unlocks
The forum Patreon groups and unlocking/adding them to your account is automated on our platform. This means that if you become a Patron, your forum account will automatically add you to the Patreon group.
How ever it is very important to keep the following in mind:
If you have downgraded or upgraded your pledge you will first need to login to this (main) website to ensure that your forum account and it’s assigned groups will and can be updated properly.
Q: But doesn’t that mean that users can downgrade their pledge, NOT visit/login to the main site and then ‘keep’ their forum group (status)?
A: Yes, technically this is possible, however we ask you to be a decent and honest user by just properly updating your forum status when you’ve downgraded your pledge. All you would need to do for this, is just logging into the main website with your account. If we however notice that users are (on purpose) abusing this ‘responsibility’ we will take action and possibly even suspend or ban their (entire) account.
Q: What do the ‘Patreon Features/groups’ unlock on the forums?
A: There isn’t much on the forums which is locked to patron’s only, because we want to keep most information accessible to everyone. There are a few Patreon Only sections like for example the Patreon Cafe or (later on) some small Patreon Only sub-forums. These sections are available for all patrons. Then there are also (just a few though!) “Patron+ Sections”, one of these sections would for example be the “Development Discussion(s) & Feature Requests (Patreon+ Only!)”. These sections are only accessible for patrons which are a member of the Drone Mini-Factory Tier or above, in these sections it is for example possible to (in depth) discuss development of upcoming features, projects, models and more of the alike.
Next to this being a Patreon member will disable the advertisements on the forum(s) (which is basically the ‘main perk’ for being a Patreon member on the forums).
Q: I am a Patreon supporter, but the forum hasn’t assigned the Patreon group(s) to my forum account!
A: As explained before: It is important that you login to the main website, then login (or refresh the forum pages on which you are also logged-in). Next to this it is also absolutely crucial that the email addresses which is used for your forum registration is the same email address as you have used for this website. And obviously your Patreon account needs to be linked to your account (on this website) to ensure it can sync the status/rights with the forum. If ‘all of the above’ checks out and it still doesn’t work, then please contact us either via our contact form or the forum itself.
Q: My badges, profile information or anything alike on this website doesn’t seem to appear/work on my forum account/profile!
A: We know, that is intentional and ‘by design’. Aside from your Patreon group status being synced, everything else is separated. The forum and this website are basically two ‘independent communities’. Because we use a ‘standard framework’ for our forums (called phpBB) we for example can’t (and won’t) depend on possible ‘phpBB framework changes’ in the future to break our community and/or portals. Which is why we decided not to integrate everything from both platforms into each other.
Q: Can I hide my Patreon status / group membership on the forums?
A: No, sorry. This (unfortunately) isn’t how the forum software (currently) works. If there is enough ‘demand’ for this, we might consider setting-up a different (internal) forum structure or even (if required) develop an additional plugin/extension for the forum.
I get more unlocks than the tier I’ve selected!
This is indeed very well possible. If you for example have pledged to the first tier (Surveillance Drone), BUT you have (manually) altered the pledge amount to exceed (or equal) the amount of one of the higher tiers, then our platform will automatically grant you access to all the unlocks belonging to the higher tier which matched your actual pledge value.
Sounds ‘complicated’ when explained like this right? Well let me give you an example:
Tier 1 which is called Surveillance Drone costs: €1
Tier 3 which is called Drone Mini-Factory costs: €5
Now let’s say you’ve pledged/subscribed to the first tier (Surveillance Drone) on my Patreon page, but you’ve manually changed your pledge value to €5. Then this means that our platform/website will automatically recognize you as being a ‘Tier 3 Member’ (Drone Mini-Factory), and thus also unlock all the extra features belonging to the third tier (and all the unlocks for the tiers bellow that one).
Why did I designed the platform this way?
Very simple, my personal opinion is that even if you have selected a lower tier/membership (with less unlocks), but you are actually pledging/paying an amount which is equal to an higher tier/membership, that it would not be fair to keep those features locked for you.
I’m a Frontline A.I. HUB + Credits Member but it doesn’t show it here
First of all: Thank you! Your support is much appreciated! 😀 But, that is indeed correct, our platform will (still) show you as a ‘regular’ Frontline A.I. HUB member in your profile. This is due to the fact that the “+ Credits Tier” doesn’t include any other extra’s (on the platform here) except your name in the Video Production Credits. If I would include this tier in the platform system/engine it would cause ‘level detection issues’ on several occasions when people for example join a lower tier but manually add the pledge amount for the “+ Credits Tier” instead (and thus tricking the platform into thinking they are a “Frontline A.I. HUB + Credits Tier” member incorrectly).
But don’t worry, when a new video is being produced, the current list of active patrons for the Frontline A.I. HUB + Credits tier will be pulled from Patreon itself. So the Patreon Membership Level/Status mentioned on your profile here has no effect on your mention in the content 🙂
Some unlocks are permanently unlocked
Some unlocks like the One-Time-Pledge-Unlocks described further down this page only require you have made one pledge for a ‘lifetime unlock’ of those features. The same goes for some of the extra’s like my/our project and product licenses.
However for licenses it is a bit different, because those will unlock a certain ‘license level’ depending on your Patreon Membership level and up to the currently released versions which where/are out while you are an active Patreon Member. In short this means: If you received a license key for Version 1.0 for “Project A” because you where an active Patreon member when it got released, and later on end your membership; you will still keep that license (and it’s key) available in your account. However if version 2.0 gets released while you are no longer a Patreon Member, you will (of course) not get a new license (key) for version 2.0 until you become a Patreon member (of the required tier) again. The ‘license keys part’ is a bit more “complicated” to explain in just one paragraph while covering it all, so to ensure that most (if not all) questions in regards to license unlocks can be answered I’ve created the Product License Information page.
Our platform has several One-Time-Pledge-Unlocks, these are small additional features which are not significantly important to use our platform(s), but for example offer some additional customization for your user profile. These unlocks are yet another ‘small thank you’ for the people whom are Patreon members. However these unlocks are a ‘bit different’ from other features and unlocks, because once you’ve unlocked these features they will remain unlocked for your account, even if you later-on decide to cancel your Patreon membership.
These unlocks will be unlocked if you have pledged to any of our Patreon Tiers. All One-Time-Pledge-Unlocks will unlock once you have made a pledge to one of our Patreon Tiers, no matter which tier you’ve chosen. Of course other features on our platform can and will have more (or less) unlocks depending on your Patreon Membership, but for the One-Time-Pledge-Unlocks your Tier level doesn’t matter.
Current One-Time-Pledge-Unlocks Available
– A total 60+ profile banners which can be set for your Profile Page instead of 17
– You can set a (predefined) Personal Profile Status (and assign a Personal Profile Status Badge with it) for your user profile depending on your availability or the project you’re working on etc.
As the platform evolves and grows, more features might be added to the ‘One-Time-Pledge-Unlocks’.
Will you also have those ‘epic’ Patreon-Members-Only Giveaways?
Nope, sorry that will just be a ‘hard no’. There will be giveaways though (no false promises on how often, it all depends on the availability and if stuff is ‘useful enough’ to actually giveaway’ to others), but those giveaways will be available to all registered users on my/our platform. There will be no ‘false practices’ where you “get additional giveaway entry’s” depending on your Patreon level and such. There are many reasons why this kind of practices should not be done, but I won’t go to much into detail about that here. Instead I will explain why I (personally) won’t use such systems:
– It gives false/misleading impressions on how many users have entered the giveaway.
– It gives you a false impression that you might have a ‘higher win chance’ while that often isn’t the case at all (especially when all other patrons also get ‘more entry tickets’)
– It kinda creates a ‘pay-to-win’ system, which is something I already hate a lot in (video)games for example.
– For me doing patron only giveaways feels a bit like ‘selling loot boxes‘, except this would be even worse in my opinion because only one (or a few) would “win”, while the rest whom participated doesn’t win anything during that ’round’.
– And lastly (but the most important one), if I would limit giveaways to Patreon members only (and thus paying members), it would basically be gambling! Which is something I refuse to facilitate on my platform(s).
I just don’t want “my” users to waste their money on a small chance to win something! Instead I much rather would like to offer all people whom support my platform with as much benefits and extras as possible. Of course these benefits will increase with a higher level of support/pledge, but because these benefits are the same for everyone with the same level of pledges it is much more fair for everyone.
For me it is much more important and valuable that people pledge/contribute because they like the content, benefits and want to support the platform itself. There is already more than enough in your life which will ‘eat away your money’ with little to no return, and I/we don’t want to be one of those things 🙂
So there will be no ‘patreon only prices’ at all?
No, that is correct indeed. And because there are already quite a lot of extra’s for Patreon members (which will periodically also increase), your Patreon membership will already be much more rewarding than when I would offer ‘dumb-paid-raffles’ (because that is what paid giveaways basically are).
Obviously there will still be projects, downloads and more of the a like which are only available for certain Patreon membership levels, but these don’t have anything to do with giveaways.
Do you have stuff like “free Merch.” for Patreon members?
No I/we don’t, we offer a lot of extra’s for the Patreon members, however free merchandise (currently) isn’t one of them. I’m however planning on doing some additional extra’s in the future which for example could be something like: I’m planning on releasing several/lots of DIY LED Circuit (design) kits (of which you will need to order the PCB and it’s components yourself). And I’m thinking about doing something like a “design by ‘request” from time to time. Which means that I will pick a user entry on the next design/kit, design a kit based on their idea/request, and then ‘dedicate it’ to that user. For Patreon members I might then from time to time decide to ship the entire kit including it’s components to this user.
However do not ‘pin me down on this’ because currently something like this is just like I’ve described above: thinking about it and ‘just a plan‘. Of course it is my intention to actually start doing such things when everything is ‘up-and-running’ smoothly, but I just don’t want to make any false promises. We’ll have to see where the platform brings us and what the interest of the users will be 🙂
If you are interested in merchandise which I/we’ve designed though, we do have a non-profit merchandise store, how this works and how to get there is being explained on the Merchandise Shop Information page.
Can I: Upgrade pledge, get benefit and then downgrade my membership again?
Sure! 🙂 If you for example are usually a member of the Hologram Drone Tier (Tier 2), but you want to obtain a certain project or download which is only available for Drone Mini-Factory (Tier 3) members, then you can just upgrade your Tier for this month, get the project/download(s) and then downgrade your tier again 🙂
If you for example upgraded your pledge once, to unlock a license key for one of my projects, you will even keep these license keys after you’ve downgraded your pledge again (do make sure to generate the license key by visiting the XNL Licenses section in your My Account menu, before downgrading your pledge again!). More on this topic is being explained on the Product License Information page 🙂
Membership Levels
Here I will be as detailed as possible about all the membership levels, the benefits per level and point you to other pages with (more) detailed and in-depth information about certain benefits.
The current membership levels available are:
(Prices are in my local currency (€) and excluding Patreon added VAT (Taxes), because VAT is calculated depending on your location etc by Patreon)
Tier 1: Surveillance Drone for €1
Tier 2: Hologram Drone for €2
Tier 3: Drone Mini-Factory for €5
Tier 4: Frontline A.I. HUB for €10
Tier 4C[P1]: Frontline A.I. HUB + Credits for €12
Tier 5: XNL Direct Sponsor for €25 (SPECIAL Tier! Read and contact me before applying!)
[P1] the Frontline A.I. HUB + Credits Tier will on our platforms (still) be recognized and shown as Tier 4! This is explained in the ‘I’m a Frontline A.I. HUB + Credits Member but it doesn’t show it here chapter’ at the top of this page..
Membership Benefits: Surveillance Drone (Tier 1 – €1)
With this Membership level you will have the following benefits:
– Early Access
– Forum Patreon Status
– Option to enable/disable General (AdSense) Advertisements on my platform.
– Access to Patreon only updates and behind the scenes posts
– [P2] You’ll unlock a total of 60+ profile banners (instead of just 17) to choose from.
– [P2] You’ll unlock the ability to set a custom (predefined) Personal Profile Status (and badge) for your public profile.
– You’ll get the option to enable a Patreon Badge which will be shown on your public user profile and next to your name on comments.
[P2]: These benefits are ‘One-Time-Pledge-Unlocks’, which means that once you’ve unlocked them, they will remain unlocked. Even if you cancel your subscription later-on.
Membership Benefits: Hologram Drone (Tier 2 – €2)
With this membership you will have ALL Benefits from the previous tier (Hologram Drone) and the following additional benefits:
– You get the option to be shown/mentioned on the public (Patreon) Supporters Wall/page(s)
– [P3](Once there are enough members) You’ll get the option to be shown on public ‘leader-boards’
– Exclusive “voting power” on ‘Patreon-members-only-polls’ (there will also still be ‘regularly open polls’ for all users, but the Patreon Only polls will for example ask Patrons to vote on certain (next/new) content topics).
– Option to disable Direct Sponsor Banners on my platform.
– [P4] You will unlock the Patreon Edition Licenses to all projects and products eligible for the Patreon Edition License key(s). And will also keep receiving new license key’s for future versions for as long as you are a member of this (or an higher) tier.
[P3] I’m planning/working on leaders boards which might for example show a ‘ranked list’ of users with the most comments, most mail bag items sent-in, most bug reports etc (They will NOT include amount of pledges or ‘pledge totals’ because I do not want people to ‘waste their money on “stupid score lists“. However I will not implement this until there are enough users and data to actually start using such features!
[P4] A license key for a certain edition (like the Patreon Edition) and version number will remain unlocked and available for your account once it has been granted/awarded/unlocked. Even if you later on cancel or ‘downgrade’ your pledge amount. More information about license unlocks can be found at our Product License Information page.
Membership Benefits: Drone Mini-Factory (Tier 3 – €5)
With this membership you will have ALL Benefits from the previous tiers (Surveillance Drone and Hologram Drone) plus the following additional benefits:
– Forum Patreon+ Status, this will grant you access to (a few) extra forum sections where it is/will be possible to discuss development of future features, releases, 3D models etc more in-depth. And in some cases even allows you to ‘vote’ on such topics/items/features.
– You will unlock the Professional Edition Licenses to all projects and products eligible for the Professional Edition License key(s). And will also keep receiving new license key’s for future versions for as long as you are a member of this (or an higher) tier. (The same information regarding licenses as explained in the previous tier and on our Product License Information page applies for the Professional Edition Licenses)
– Patreon Only Models, assets and project/product downloads
Membership Benefits: Frontline A.I. HUB (Tier 4 – €10)
With this membership you will have ALL Benefits from the previous tiers (Surveillance Drone, Drone Mini-Factory and Drone Mini-Factory) plus the following additional benefit:
– You will unlock the Business/Enterprise Edition Licenses to all projects and products eligible for the Business/Enterprise Edition License key(s). And will also keep receiving new license key’s for future versions for as long as you are a member of this (or an higher) tier. (The same information regarding licenses as explained in the previous tier and on our Product License Information page applies for the Professional Edition Licenses)
Extra Note: This tier (just like Drone Mini-Factory tier) will also unlock all the licenses unlocked by the previous tiers!
Membership Benefits: Frontline A.I. HUB +Credits (Tier 4C – €12)
The benefits for this tier are exactly the same as those for the ‘regular’ Frontline A.I. HUB tier, with the (added) exception that:
– Your name (as registered on the Patreon website!) will be shown in the credits of my video productions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is described more detailed above, but when you are a member of this tier, our platform/website will still (on your profile) show you as Frontline A.I. HUB (Tier 4). This is normal and does not affect the fact that you will be mentioned in the video credits.
Membership Benefits: XNL Direct Sponsor (Tier 5 – €25)
WARNING: For this tier ‘specific conditions’ and requirements are ‘in effect’! Meaning that you will NOT automatically get the benefits/perks listed here. BEFORE pledging to this tier you should always contact me directly and discuss what is possible and IF your sponsor banner would be suitable for our platform and it’s users!
With this membership you will have all Benefits from the previous tiers Surveillance Drone, Hologram Drone, Drone Mini-Factory and Frontline A.I. HUB). EXCEPT “Tier 4C“. Meaning that you will NOT be mentioned in the video production credits, because that is an benefit which is exclusively meant for “Tier 4C“.
If you have contacted me before applying, and your banner would be suitable for my platform and it’s users you will receive the following additional benefits:
– You will get a Sponsor / advertisement banner on my website(s)
– You will have the option to get a (permanent!) sponsor banner in (upfront agreed!) project and/or product releases (per version release as long as you maintain your membership).
Before applying for this tier it is important that you read and understand our Advertising policy, rules and terms and our Become a Partner page.
Note again: This tier is not meant for regular users! This tier is mainly intended for platform sponsors, direct contributors and such.
Our Terms and Conditions, General Disclaimer, Community Guidelines, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy of course also apply to Patreon members and memberships.
Last Updated: 23-09-2022