Installing or Updating ArkOS (R36S & R36H)

Installing or Updating ArkOS (R36S & R36H)

Much shorter ‘Pro-version’ of this tutorialPlease note that there is also a much shorter ‘pro-version’ of this tutorial which you can find here, BUT please do note that that tutorial is only intended for people who already know what they are doing, which files they need (and why) etc. Please DO NOT use that tutorial…

Installing ArkOS (R36S & R36H) – ‘Pro Tutorial’

Installing ArkOS (R36S & R36H) – ‘Pro Tutorial’

Please note that this is the ‘Pro Version‘ of the ArkOS installation tutorial for the R36S and R36H, this tutorial is only intended for people who know what they are doing, which files they need, and how to perform these actions. If you are new to flashing ArkOS to your R36S/R36H, then please use the…

Stop Hiding Known File Extensions (NOW!)

Stop Hiding Known File Extensions (NOW!)

TIP: If you don’t care for my back-story, opinion etc about this topic and just need to know NOW how to (re-)enable the file extensions, then just scroll down to How-to Re-enable File Extensions for Known File-types to solve your problem 😊 I was just writing a tutorial where I simply told readers that they…

Google (AdSense) being very disrespectful AGAIN!

Google (AdSense) being very disrespectful AGAIN!

Well it might not be that much of a surprise for some of you, but once again Google has been proven to be judgemental prick☹️ My website which was previously hosted on (and thus now on this .com domain), was 100% approved for AdSense (which of course enables me to keep making all the…

DIY Nuka Cola Vending Machine

DIY Nuka Cola Vending Machine

I needed a Nuka Cola Vending Machine for our rescue pet pigeon Sophie, and I’m guessing we’ve all had that problem at one point in our life right? No? Oh well I did🤷🏽‍♀️😂 So what do you usually do in such situation? Yes! indeed, you don’t create just one, but instead you design and build…

How to flash an ATtiny 25, 45 or 85 with Arduino

How to flash an ATtiny 25, 45 or 85 with Arduino

In this article I will try to keep it as simple as possible (in terminology) but also as complete as possible about what the ATtiny microcontrollers are, what they can do and how to flash them with something like your standard Arduino UNO (or clone) board. What is the ATtiny? Well to keep it very…

3D Printing For Pigeons (safety and tips)

3D Printing For Pigeons (safety and tips)

3D Printing for pigeons – Introduction I’m creating this article because as some of you might have noticed (or not), I/we make quite a lot of projects which are (also suitable) for our rescue pet pigeon Sophie (which btw also has her own blog). Some projects are made especially for her (and then often later-on…

Sophie’s Fallout Themed Pigeon Bed

Sophie’s Fallout Themed Pigeon Bed

Yes, you’ve read that right: A Fallout Themed Pigeon Bed 😉 ! I decided to make a bed for our rescue (office) pigeon Sophie, and to do this ‘in style’. Like some of you might know, me and my wife are both BIG fans of Fallout (for years actually), and therefor I decided to make…